Key Stage 2 Resilience |
KS2 resilience aims to improve pupils’ mental health and helps children and young people to develop resilience skills. Resilience helps young people to cope with whatever life throws at them and bounce back when things don’t go their way. It is just as important as their physical health. Being able to deal positively and adapt to changing situations will encourage positive mental health. |
The KS2 Resilience curriculum is designed to engage our students through Learning Outside the Classroom (LOTC) activities. Resilience is taught every afternoon as a discrete subject but it has close cross curricular links to all the foundation subjects. Pupils will begin to understand that they may experience many different emotions and they will begin to reflect upon how to recognise and rationalise them. They will start to consider who they can go to for help when their emotions are strong and how dealing with their feelings can help control their emotional balance and overall wellbeing. |
Every term pupils are assessed using the Thrive Approach. Each term is dedicated to one of the Thrive Strands: Doing, Being, Thinking, Power and identity, Skill and Structure; and Interdependence. |
Students experience activities including:
Furthermore, all students take part in a termly Learning Outside the Classroom Day Trip that is linked to their foundation curriculum, for example, those children learning about Humans and Animals in Science may visit the Animal Sanctuaries. |
Key Stage 3 Resilience |
KS3 builds on the resilience skills learnt in KS2 by considering how to respond in different situations and how to manage stress and overcome adversity.
The KS3 Resilience curriculum is designed to help students develop a positive sense of themselves and to encourage the discovery of different roles and relationships with others. Students will learn that their own actions and behaviours will have consequences and they will become familiar with social expectations. Whilst engaging in new experiences students will grow in confidence and begin to understand others’ opinions or point of view. They will bgin to understand that little steps help to achieve the bigger outcome; helping them to become persistent when not achieving their goal first time. |
Every term pupils are assessed using the Thrive Approach. Each term is dedicated to one of the Thrive Strands: Doing, Being, Thinking, Power and identity, Skill and Structure; and Interdependence. |
Students experience activities including:
LINK TO WHOLE SCHOOL LONG TERM PLAN O:\NH\AWL Planning\2020-2021\Long Term plans\Resilience |
Alongside this, every student is invited to an Annual Residential where pupils experience activities such as Camp Making, Fire Lighting, BBQ, Kayaking, Bike riding and Go Ape. Furthermore, all students take part in termly Learning Outside the Classroom Day Trips that are linked to their foundation curriculum, for example, children will experience the Great Art Big Art Exhibition at the De La Warr Pavilion. |
Key Stage 4 Resilience |
KS4 LOTC concentrates on bringing all the skills pupils have learnt outside the classroom into real life situations, preparing them for life after school. |
The KS4 Resilience curriculum is designed to test pupil’s independence by experiencing new opportunities and challenges. Sometimes pupils will legitimately need support. However, enjoying positive experiences will encourage them to be independent. Pupils will show interest in solving problems and question rules to find their own way. An understanding of risk will support pupils to rationalise and assess the situation. Students will therefore make informed choices whilst enabling them to trust adults enough to know when, where and how to go for help or information where necessary. |
Every term pupils are assessed using the Thrive Approach. Each term is dedicated to one of the Thrive Strands: Doing, Being, Thinking, Power and identity, Skill and Structure; and Interdependence. |
Students experience activities including:
LINK TO WHOLE SCHOOL LONG TERM PLAN: O:\NH\AWL Planning\2020-2021\Long Term plans\Resilience |
Alongside this, every student is invited on an Annual Residential to Newquay where they experience activities such as Camp Making, Fire Lighting, BBQ, Surfing, Fishing, Crabbing and Coasteering. Furthermore, all students take part in termly Learning Outside the Classroom Day Trips that are linked to their foundation curriculum, for example, children will experience the Shakespeare Globe Exhibition in London when studying Shakespeare in English. |