
Duke of Edinburgh

Weekly plan:






(What you are trying to achieve?)

Implementation (What you are planning on doing?)


(What are your outcomes and how will they be measured?)


Teamwork : Cooperation, negotiation, and working together


 Collect all camping gear from Laundry room. Check out all tents and poles for damage.

 List of repairs or spares needed, compiled by students working together.


Teamwork : Cooperation, negotiation, and working together

Trip to John’s Cross camping store to collect parts for repairs

Students working together to identify the parts needed, and calculate costs


Self-discovery of skills and identify own interests

Students to select suitable activities for Skills, physical and volunteering sections of award, and selection of time frame

Students have selected suitable activities for Skills, Physical and Volunteering sections of award, and selection of time frame.


Camp craft and teamwork

Students undertake a short hike with rucksacks, tent and equipment split between participants. On arriving back to school site, work together to erect tents

Completion of hike and cooperation in erecting tent.


Individual skills and some teamwork on camp craft.

Set up Trangia to cook a simple meal, and care of Trangia after use.

Students can assemble and disassemble a Trangia and cook simple meal.


Recognition of landmarks and navigation

How to read a map and use a compass to orientate a map.

Students can confidently use an OS map.


Consolidation of skills and assessment of skills learned.

Short hike on South Downs, followed by erection of tents, cooking simple meal, break camp and return to start point.

Students can navigate to lunch spot, erect tents, cook meal, break camp and return to drop off point.