

Personal, Social, & Health Education (PSHE)

Subject lead: Aaron Stenning & Ben Holbrook

PSHE is a planned programme of learning through which young people acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to manage their lives in the wider world, preparing them for life and work, enhancing attributes they need to keep themselves healthy and safe in relationships, making them aware of their health and well-being.

PSHE will be taught through a range of teaching methodologies, including story-telling, drama, discussions, individual private reflection, quizzes and fact finding, value spectrums, debating, independent research and artistic presentations etc. This wide range of teaching strategies promotes engagement by all pupils, irrespective of preferred learning styles.

PSHE will be taught through a ‘spiral curriculum’. This approach means that pupils will gain knowledge, develop values and acquire skills gradually by re-visiting core themes to build on prior learning. PSHE will support the school’s commitment to safeguard pupils through an

Age-appropriate curriculum that prepares them to live safely in the modern world.

Our intended PSHE curriculum is detailed below but may vary in response to emerging issues and to reflect the rapidly changing world in which our pupils are living and learning. If this is the case, parent/carers will be provided with appropriate notice before the amended programme is delivered.

Key stage 2 overview

Implementation - What will I do?


Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Term 4

Term 5

Term 6


Families and



Safe relationships

Belonging to a


Media literacy and

digital resilience

Physical health and Mental wellbeing


Growing and


Keeping safe


Managing friend-

ships and peer



Attraction to others;

romantic relation-

ships; civil partner-

ship and marriage

Physical contact and

feeling safe


Recognising and

managing pressure;

consent in different


Protecting the environment; compassion towards others.

Valuing diversity;

challenging discrimination and stereo-


How information

online is targeted;

different media

types, their role and



Evaluating media

sources; sharing

things online


Healthy sleep

habits; sun safety;

medicines, vaccinations, immunisations

and allergies.

What affects mental

health and ways

to take care of it;

managing change,

loss and bereavement; managing

time online

Human reproduction and birth;

increasing independence; managing


Keeping safe in

different situations,

including responding

in emergencies, first

aid and FGM


Keeping personal

information safe;

regulations and

choices; drug use

and the law; drug

use and the media

Impact - What will I learn? (PSHE Statutory Relationships, Sex, Health Education elements)


Relationships Education

Families and people who care for me

Caring friendships

Respectful relationships

Online relationships

Being safe

Sex Education

How a baby is conceived and born

Health Education

Mental wellbeing

Internet safety and harms

Physical health and fitness

Healthy eating

Drugs, alcohol and tobacco

Health and prevention

Basic first aid

Changing adolescent body

Key Stage 3 and 4 overviews:


Implementation - What will I do?


Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Term 4

Term 5

Term 6


Autumn 1

Health & wellbeing

Autumn 2

Living in the wider world

Spring 1


Spring 2

Health & wellbeing

Summer 1


Summer 2

Living in the wider world




(Year 7)

Transition to secondary school

Diet, exercise and how to make healthy choices

Enterprise skills and introduction to careers

Challenging career stereotypes and raising aspirations

Self-esteem, romance and friendships

Exploring family life

Understanding different families and learning parenting skills

Managing change, grief and bereavement  

The risks of alcohol, tobacco and other substances

Managing puberty and the issues of unwanted contact and FGM

Diversity, prejudice and bullying including cyber bullying

Managing on- and off-line friendships.

to recognise bullying and abuse in all its forms  both in person and online/via text, abuse, exploitation and trafficking and to have the skills and strategies to manage being targeted or witnessing others being targeted.


Making ethical financial decisions

Saving, spending and budgeting our money


(Year 8)

First aid and personal safety, focusing on road safety

Alcohol and drug misuse and managing peer influence

Rights and responsibilities in the community

Tackling age and disability discrimination

Introduction to sexuality and consent

Introduction to contraception including condom and the pill

Mental health and emotional wellbeing, including body image.

strategies for managing it; a range of healthy coping strategies


Managing change and loss

Tackling racism and religious discrimination, promoting human rights

Online safety and digital literacy

Evaluating value for money in services

Risks and consequences making financial decisions


(Year 9)

Peer pressure, assertiveness and risk, gang crime

Dieting, lifestyle balance and unhealthy coping strategies

Understanding careers and future aspirations

Identifying learning strengths and setting goals as part of the GCSE options process

Relationships and sex education including healthy relationships and consent

The risks of STIs, sexting and pornography

Managing peer pressure in relation to illicit substances

Assessing the risks of drug and alcohol abuse and addiction

Managing conflict at home and the dangers of running away from home

Tackling homophobia, transphobia and sexism

Planning and carrying out an enterprise project

Reflecting on learning skills development in key stage 3


(Year 8&9)

First aid and personal safety, focusing on road safety

Alcohol and drug misuse and managing peer influence

Rights and responsibilities in the community

Tackling age and disability discrimination

Introduction to sexuality and consent

Introduction to contraception including condom and the pill

Mental health and emotional wellbeing, including body image.

strategies for managing it; a range of healthy coping strategies


Managing change and loss

Tackling racism and religious discrimination, promoting human rights

Online safety and digital literacy

Evaluating value for money in services

Risks and consequences making financial decisions

Impact - What will I learn? (PSHE Statutory Relationships, Sex, Health Education elements)

Relationships Education


Respectful relationships including friendships

Online and media

Being safe

Sex Education

Intimate and sexual relationships, including sexual health

Health Education

Mental wellbeing

Internet safety and harms

Physical health and fitness

Healthy eating

Drugs, alcohol and tobacco

Health and prevention

Basic first aid

Changing adolescent body

Key Stage 4 overview

Implementation - What will I do?


Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Term 4

Term 5

Term 6


(Year 10)

Transition to key stage 4 and developing study habits

Mental health and ill health, tackling stigma.

The causes, symptoms and treatments of some mental and emotional health disorders (including stress, anxiety and depression)


Understanding the causes and effects of debt

Understanding the risks associated with gambling

  Relationships and sex education including healthy relationships and consent

The risks of STIs, sexting and pornography

Exploring the influence of role models

Evaluating the social and emotional risks of drug use

Tackling relationship myths and expectations

Managing romantic relationship challenges including break ups

Preparation for work experience

Evaluation of work experience and readiness for work


(Year 11)

Promoting self-esteem and coping with stress

Learning and revision skills to maximise potential

Understanding the college application process and plans beyond school

Skills for employment and career progression

Personal values and assertive communication in relationships

Tackling domestic abuse and forced marriage


Health and safety in independent contexts

Taking responsibility for health choices

British values, human rights and community cohesion

Challenging extremism and radicalisation

Revision skills and study leave.


(Year 10 & 11)

Promoting self-esteem and coping with stress


Understanding the causes and effects of debt


  Relationships and sex education including healthy relationships and consent

The risks of STIs, sexting and pornography

Exploring the influence of role models

Evaluating the social and emotional risks of drug use

Tackling relationship myths and expectations

Managing romantic relationship challenges including break ups

Preparation for work experience

Evaluation of work experience and readiness for work



There is no exam for PSHE


Useful information: You can find out more information from the PSHE association: